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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
African mobile web access is cheaper than fixed broadband, with Tanzania offering the most affordable packages.

According to a report released by Research ICT Africa, Tanzania is the number one African country when it comes to broadband affordability packages.

For 5GB of surfing data, Tanzanians averagely pay US$13.30 on prepaid and US$18.77 for ADSL.

South Africa is in second position, offering the lowest broadband price at US$22.47 on prepaid basis and US$21.80 on contract for a 5GB basket.

Rwanda, Kenya and Ghana follow a price leap later with competitive data offerings at US$25.22, US$28.27 and US$33.40.

“While mobile broadband prices in the lower usage basket (1GB) are still relatively high compared to other African countries, South African operators are competing for the lucrative postpaid and higher data-bandwidth usage market (5GB basket) and therefore prices for contract higher users rate fairly well in Africa,” the report stated.

Although Ghana’s US$3.72 offering for 1GB is lower than that of Tanzania at US$10.17, the country moves down on the ranking list when it comes to larger volumes.

Tanzania also provides ADSL-based internet access at the most affordable rates in Africa, going for US$18.77 per 1GB, whereas Cameroon is the most expensive with US$59.14.

However, Nigeria offers the cheapest contract-based broadband on the continent for US$17.99 for 5GB, while Botswana is the most expensive at US$105.68.

While mobile internet access is generally cheaper and faster than fixed line web surfing, wireless connections are experienced as unstable.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Nanine Steenkamp

Quelle/Source: Human IPO, 30.07.2013

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