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Mittwoch, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government plans to allocate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) experts in rural areas to give room to rural residents to learn the new technology more and make them aware of its use.

Speaking yesterday in Dar es Salaam during the handling over of certificates to ICT graduates the Director of ICT from the Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology, Dr Zaipuna Yona said it has been customary for ICT experts to remain in urban centers after completing their studies leaving majority of Tanzanians in the rural unattended.

She said that the government intended to ensure that in the near future to begin with; each district council would be given two ICT experts whose responsibility would be to educate rural Tanzania on the usage of ICT in their day to day activities.

Due to the advancement of technology in the world, currently people conduct their economical and social activities such as agriculture, trade and commerce smoothly through ICT, she said.

Thus it was a high time for the government and other key stakeholders in the country to ensure if not all, at least most of its citizen were conversant to the technology so as to enable them conduct their activities in a more advanced and simple way.

“If all people will be aware of the usage of ICT and its advantages it will be helpful in the rolling of development in the country …. it will also reduce the technology based theft whereas many people have been cheated by dishonest people due to technological ignorance,” she explained.

The Director called upon the graduates of the ICT training to become technological ambassadors to other people in their localities.

The training was organised by Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT).

DOT Director Philip Mogendi said that the training was freely provided to graduates from various colleges and universities in the country. And for the first time 25 people graduated from that training.

DOT was established in 2002 with the funding from the Canadian International Development (CIDA), USAID and the Cisco Foundation.

It focuses on creating educational, economic and entrepreneurial opportunity through the effective use of ICT by the communities and people in the developing countries.


Quelle/Source: IPPmedia, 13.05.2013

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