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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
President Ali Mohamed Shein has said that the e-government programme is to improve communications, economic growth, employment creation and quality of lives.

"We have to change to fit in the fast-growing world of information and technology. Egovernment is a milestone in our development strategies," said Shein in his speech to launch egovernment centre at Mazizini, Zanzibar municipality.

The launch of the programme is part of the 49th anniversary to mark Zanzibar revolution. Dr Shein told the gathering comprising Zanzibaris and delegates from the Chinese Embassy in the country that egovernment is aimed at increasing efficiency in government through the use of information and communication technology.

He thanked China's ZTE, Helios-Tech of Israel, Microsoft from USA, and local companies: Salem Construction Limited and Kemmisy Investment Limited for supporting the programme which includes laying of the fibre optic cable, construction of centres, and making connections.

Shein also thanked China for the 19 million US dollar soft loan for the e-government project as the Asian nation's ambassador to Tanzania, Mr Lu Youqing, pledged for continued support to Zanzibar.

E-Government is the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve activities of the public sector organizations, and the implementation of the e-government will be the responsibility of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) department.

Mr Mohammed Ame, Head of the e-government project facilitation team said the plan for the e-government project started in 2006, but the ground work lasted only one-year. "We have to celebrate the success.

The project is important in many aspects including improving internet and phone communications," he said. "The fibre optic cable will enable us to easily access ehealth, e-education, e-tourism and other programmes," he added.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Issa Yussuf

Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 07.01.2013

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