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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Smart national identity cards are to be issued in Bangladesh on 2 October, according to senior officials.

Revealing the launch date, Brigadier General Sultanuzzaman Md Saleh Uddin, director general of the NID registration wing, said detailed information of a voter with photograph would be included in the new cards.

The cards feature 2D barcodes and 25 sustainable security features that will prevent any possible forgery, he said.

Some features can be seen without any tools, while ultraviolet lights, magnifying glasses and other equipment are required to detect the features of a second stage. Forensic tests are needed to look at the third stage security features.

The smart NIDs have some 25 uses, including obtaining a TIN number, driving licence, trade licence, passport, submitting job applications, selling real estate, opening bank accounts, and opening trading accounts.

The cards are also portable for eGovernment, said Sultanuzzaman. “We have obtained 20 different types of certificates so that our card is accepted globally and can be used everywhere. It is a certified card in the international stage.”

He added that the cards can be used both online and offline. The EC will provide software free of cost that can be used to authenticate card holders.

The government launched the project as part of the Identification System for Enhancing Access to Services (IDEA) initiative.


Quelle/Source: Security Document World, 08.09.2016

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