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Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

According to the United Nations ranking, Kazakhstan is currently ranking 39 in the E-Government Development Index, 26 in Online Service Index and 40 in Global Cybersecurity Index.

Today, Kazakhstan is one of the leading countries in terms of Internet accessibility – the cost per one gigabyte in the country amounts to US$0.49, the population coverage stands at 84.2 percent, whereas, for example, in Ukraine these figures are US$0.51/62.5 percent of population coverage, in China – US$9.89/61.2 percent, and in the United States – US$12.37/87.3 percent.

The level of digital literacy of the population reached 82.1 percent in Kazakhstan. 83.7 percent of public services in the country are provided online. Nearly 7,000 IT companies are registered in the country. This was reported during the meeting of the Commission on the Implementation of Digital Transformation under the President of Kazakhstan chaired by the Kazakh Prime Minister.

The overall economic effect of the implementation of the ‘Digital Kazakhstan’ state program from 2018 to 2019 amounted to 802.5 billion tenge (US$1.9 billion). Changes and amendments were made to 700 norms of 11 codes and 58 laws.

Meantime, Kazakhstan will start holding auctions for the subsoil use right of the hydrocarbon feed. This will eliminate paperwork at all stages of the process. Kazakh Prime Minister Askar Mamin instructed the Kazakh Ministry of Energy to implement the project by the end of the year.

Kazakh Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development will have to develop an action plan for the development of the ‘Industry 4.0’ platform and the expansion of the ‘Model Digital Factories’ project within a month.

The model digital factories can increase labor productivity by 25 percent, resource efficiency by 18 percent, equipment service life by 5 percent, as well as reduce production and energy costs.

As for the ‘Industry 4.0’ platform, which is aimed at automation of production processes using robots, big data and artificial intelligence, it will unite financial and information services, trading platforms and technology transfer systems. As part of it, Kazakh government plans to introduce ‘Smart Industry Management’ analytical base.

The ‘Industry 4.0’ platform is primarily designed for enterprises in the mining and metallurgical complex, as well as fuel and energy complex and manufacturing industry.

“Digital Kazakhstan” state program intends to introduce 10 technological platforms in various fields, including Govtech, Smart city, Industry 4.0, Agritech, Blockchain, Space-Geotech, AI (Artificial Intelligence), E-Industry, Fintech and Greentech.


Quelle/Source: Kazakh TV, 26.06.2020

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