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Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
A new electronic service has appeared in Ust-Kamenogorsk. People can record their video question to regional authorities and the governor in a special booth and receive an answer in about 2 weeks. The project was implemented within the framework of e-government and has already become popular among townspeople. After recording, a slip comes out automatically and contains a code along with the response time. Two weeks later, one can come and hear the opinion on their problem first hand.

Azamat Issembulov, Deputy Director, East Kazakhstan Region Public Service Centre «A person knows for sure that his question reached the recipient. His question was seen and heard so officials worked on it and gave their answer.»

Now the provider company is working on project expansion. About five booths with the «Dialogue» system will be set up in Ust-Kamenogorsk. After a follow-up, active users will be able to ask questions and get answers to their personal computers and even cell phones. In the meantime, they can submit questions for the regional governor and his four deputies. However, another 12 heads of departments and offices will be included in the list by the end of the year.


Quelle/Source: Caspionet, 07.06.2012

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