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Freitag, 18.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
By his decree from 27 July 2011 President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan approved the Regulation on the Preparation & Adoption of Regulatory Legal Acts of Executive Authorities.

Under the decree, the legal acts drafted by the Cabinet and central bodies of executive power are placed for public debate in e-government portal. A body defined as its main performer of the legal act is responsible for the development of acts. Independent experts can be drawn for examination of standard and legal acts and in this connection the period of drafting of these documents may be extended.

At the same time drafting of regulatory legal acts by the order of the president and/or the Cabinet is limited by 60 days, and collection of vises (conclusions) for them by 5 days. If the President and/or the Cabinet give three and more months, collection of vises is restricted by 10 days.

The package of documents to the draft regulatory legal act includes a cover letter and a feasibility study of the act; documents on collection of vises (conclusions); expert opinion on the draft; a list of draft-makers; other documents at choice of the act drafting body.

At that, the documents introduced into Milli Majlis (parliament) cannot be submitted to the President without proposals of MPs and parliamentary committees.

Regulatory and legal acts may be approved by decision of the Collegiate Organ of central executive authorities with compulsory inclusion of legal acts in the State Register within 3 days after their adoption.


Quelle/Source: Azerbaijan Business Center, 29.07.2011

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