Heute 1555

Gestern 2175

Insgesamt 40005130

Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

The Kenyan government has seen great revenue collection through electronic systems it has launched in the past and now hopes to implement more digital projects to fill gaps left by corruption and inefficient government spending.

This was made public during Thursday’s annual budget speech by cabinet secretary Henry Rotich, where the government outlined its spending policies for the 2015/2016 fiscal year.

“We are moving all government payments to the digital platform. The objective of the government digital programme, is to ensure that all payments to government are made electronically so as to significantly reduce administrative costs, minimise leakage and expand access to payment points,” Rotich said.

The cabinet secretary said that over 400,000 Kenyans have registered on the e-citizen payment platform with revenue collection is averaging at around 10 million shillings daily.

By end of 2015 the government hopes to digitise over 100 inbound payments. This will speed up the service delivery, reduce transaction cost and safeguard revenue.

“Priority areas include payment for business registration, land transaction services, motor vehicles and additional services under registration of persons, including birth and death certificates,” the cabinet secretary noted.

To try and govern government expenditure, the cabinet secretary has directed that all public entities use e-procurement platform that will bring out transparency in spending.

“We now require all ministry, department and agencies to use the e-procurement modules of Integrated Financial Management Information Systems (IFMIS) so as to safeguard against loss of public finances through corruption,” he said.

Rotich explained that they will roll out the e-procurement modules that will have price references for the goods and services that the government wants to purchase.

He also added that the government will publish ICT standards for all government ICT consumables and enter into a negotiated framework agreement with established local dealers to acquire low cost but effective ICT solutions for all government entities.

The ministry also allocated Kshs 11.4 billion for the year for various ICT project including e-government services, news and information services and mass media skills.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Vincent Matinde

Quelle/Source: ITWeb Africa, 12.06.2015

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