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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Kenyan and South Korean governments have announced a partnership to develop an e-government masterplan in Kenya, looking to develop ICT to stimulate socio-economic development in the country.

HumanIPO reported last year South Korea, which is considered a global leader in e-government, had signed a similar deal with Kenya’s neighbour Uganda.

Joseph Tiampati, principal secretary at the Ministry of ICT, said the e-government plan developed by South Korea would assist the government in designing a systematic and coherent way of implementing e-government initiatives.

“As a ministry, we are heavily investing on ICT infrastructure development which is imperative for proper planning on execution of e-government activities and projects vital for the realisation of the country’s Vision 2030,” said Tiampati.

He said cooperation between Kenya and Korea has proved to be a faster way of achieving socio-economic development by way of acquiring technology.

“I am happy that an e-government masterplan has been developed in partnership with the Korean government which has been identified as the world leader in e-government,” He said

Chan-Woo Kim, South Korean ambassador to Kenya, said the e-government masterplan was a road towards the realisation of systematic, effective and efficient public service delivery.

“ICT is an important aspect in stimulating socio-economic development in the country,” he said

The Kenya e-government masterplan was developed by South Korea’s National IT Promotional Agency (NIPA) and the Kenya ICT Authority, and is anchored in the constitution of Kenya (2010), Vision 2030 and the Kenya ICT Masterplan 2013.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Nick Sato

Quelle/Source: HumanIPO, 09.12.2013

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