According to the ICT industry regulator's new strategic plan for the period 2013 to 2018, CCK also wants to have a TV broadcast coverage of at least 80 per cent of the estimated 40 million population in Kenya from 55 per cent at present.
"We want to reorganise CCK to provide effective regulation that will facilitate accelerated uptake of ICT services by 2018," said CCK director general Francis Wangusi on Friday when he unveiled the strategy document.
The industry development blueprint aims at providing an enabling business environment within the ICT sector, strengthening institutional capacity; infrastructure and service development and enhancing market development.
The last industry statistics report for quarter four financial year 2012/2013 covering the period April to June 2013 show that mobile money subscriptions stood at 24.8 million from 23.2 million in the previous quarter, maintaining the consecutive rise in use of mobile money over the years.
Growing popularity of mobile money use and e-commerce, CCK said, will be effectively addressed in the new regulation plan as the regulator also thinks of various ways to curb cyber crime without arresting this growth.
In the new plan, the commission also has a target of 20,000 people per post office compared to the current 29,992 so that these outlets are not overwhelmed at peak times.
By 2018, CCK hopes to have facilitated for an internet penetration of 70 per cent of the population up from 41.6 per cent and a mobile telephony penetration of 90 per cent from 75.8 per cent now.
The ICT contribution to GDP is at 2.2 per cent and the regulator hopes to improve this to five per cent over the next five years.
"The plan acknowledges the changing environment and the need to convert from a mere regulator into a facilitator," said CCK chairman Ngene Gituku.
Autor(en)/Author(s): Lola Okulo
Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 30.11.2013