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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The e-government website www.e-government.go.ke will soon be launched. It will mark the beginning of developing shared services platform to give a single window to government services.

Other e-initiatives include, KENINFO projects in 8 pilot districts which is coordinated by the Treasury with support from UNDP, NEPAD e-schools, e-Health Community Information Systems (SMS solution), e-Land Registration Systems, Kenya Ports Authority e-port system, KRA Simba 2005 system. There is a high level political will for the growth of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Kenya. In the near future computerization across government ministries will touch every aspect of life. It will transform the way government deals with citizens, business community and foreigners. Networks will certainly undercut the traditional bureaucracy and improve on transparency.

In his Kenyatta Day 2005 speech, President Mwai Kibaki set his priorities right in as far as ICT was concerned. President Kibaki said Information and Communications Technology is an important aspect of infrastructure. “Indeed, while the economies of the 19th and 20th centuries, were driven by networks of railways and highways, modern economies are being driven by networks of digital highways,” the President said.

Economic growth is today driven by the knowledge and service-based sectors, where ease of information transactions is a key determinant of success. “My Government recognises this global trend and has initiated measures to create a modern and efficient telecommunications infrastructure in order to position Kenya as a hub of industrial, commercial, financial and I.C.T.,” said the President in his key note address.

Autor: Kariuki Ndung'u

Quelle: Kenya Times, 25.10.2005

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