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On a recent visit to the UAE, Eritrean President Isayas Afewerki met with Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Tejari (www.tejari.com), the Middle East online business leader, and discussed with her ways of committing Eritrea to online procurement via Tejari. As a result, the newly-created Eritrea procurement agency has sourced more than 2000 personal computers, 2000 plasma monitors, 40 high-end servers, and 40 printers as part of an online auction through Tejari.

The objective of the Eritrea government in joining Tejari is to increase both the efficiency and scope of its public sector buying, while enabling greater transparency in the procurement process. The new technology equipment, purchased after a two-week auction in which 15 companies submitted bids, will be utilized by Eritrea's new science and technology institute.

As part of its previous procurement processes, Eritrean officials would travel to various markets around Africa and the Middle East to obtain more information directly from suppliers, followed by a paper-based tendering process that typically took several months. The country's first online procurement effort included sourcing technical specifications online, competitive real-time bidding, and a transparent vendor selection procedure.

'The creation of the Eritrea procurement agency and our new partnership with the Tejari marketplace demonstrates that Eritrea is committed to the development of a more efficient and cost-effective government, and one that enhances trading links with the burgeoning Middle East-based business community,' stated Eritrean President Isayas Afewerki.

'The fact that our first purchase via Tejari was for technology to rejuvenate Eritrea's education sector is also indicative of the role that IT and the Internet will play in creating new opportunities and building a sustainable, IT-centric economy,' added President Afewerki.

In a letter written after the Tejari auction to HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Defense Minister and Crown Prince of Dubai, President Afewerki commented that Tejari proved itself to be the ideal solution to Eritrea's procurement challenges. He noted that the prices quoted by more than 15 suppliers on Tejari resulted in savings of more than 30 percent, while ensuring transparency, and reducing the time and effort involved in such a significant procurement initiative.

Tejari's chairman, Sultan bin Sulayem, took part in the high-level discussions between the marketplace's executives and President Afewerki. Bin Sulayem commented, 'With its aggressive infrastructure development schemes, Eritrea has tremendous online procurement potential. The country's determination to upgrade its transportation, telecommunications, energy, and healthcare sectors will require considerable amounts of raw material and equipment, and Tejari's suppliers hope to bid for aspects of those requirements.'

Following the success of its initial technology purchase using the Tejari platform, the Eritrean procurement agency will now investigate the purchase of commodities such as vehicles, tools, and heavy machinery through the online marketplace.

Amin Hassan, President Afewerki's office manager, oversaw the Tejari auction. He noted, 'We were amazed both by the frequency and speed of bids we received from technology vendors selling their goods on Tejari, and the level of discounts that they offered – we certainly could not have received the same range of products and prices from suppliers here in Eritrea.'

'The savings and efficiency of the online procurement process through Tejari has been a monumental catalyst for Eritrea's government sector to streamline its buying practices. Our recent visit to the UAE and partnership with Tejari are set to yield considerable long-term benefits for Eritrea,' he added.

The new partnership with Tejari comes at a time when Eritrea is undertaking the privatisation of its telecommunications infrastructure, encouraging growth in Internet service provision, and fostering increased technology training.

'Tejari's partnership with Eritrea is a key component of our expansion strategy as well as a powerful indication of the growing adoption of e-government in countries around the world. Eritrea's willingness to test firsthand the potential of online procurement has yielded measurable results, and we look forward to fostering the opportunities that will be created for both Eritrea's government and Tejari's supplier base as a result of the new agreement,' added Sheikha Lubna Al-Qasimi, Tejari's CEO.

Quelle: AME Info, 02.11.2003

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