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Dienstag, 11.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Efforts to solve Kampala's current infrastructural challenges and achieve government’s smart city plan is being stymied by unreliable data land management systems, an expert has said.

As such government’s programs to reorganize the city and ensure that Kampala conforms to the 21st century requirements are not achieving the desired results as fast as needed.

This was revealed during the Kampala City Land Administration and Management conference held at Mestil Hotel in Kampala on Wednesday.

Organised by Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), the event brought together stakeholders in land management from both government and private entities, and top city leaders including Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago, state minister for finance -general duties, Henry Musasizi, and KCCA executive director, Dorothy Kisaka.

The meeting was ;convened to find solutions to challenges facing the city.

Flavia Zambali Musisi, the acting supervisor of Geographic Information Systems at the Directorate of Physical Planning, KCCA, said there is need for a reforms in the data management on city land if they are to overcome lingering challenges such as flooding, congestion, and pollution.

She said despite the digitization of the land registry at the land offices, there are still many challenges in accessing information, especially on who owns land in the city.

“KCCA runs the city and needs cadastral information but accessing this information is a problem even when we know that KCCA and Ministry of Lands work together,” she said.

She explained that the lack of transparency in the land system makes it difficult to implement some of their physical planning programs.

“The common accusation I have often heard is that KCCA is not doing its work, but many other people are also contributing to this,” she said.

She said although wetlands are reserve land and a no-go area, a number of individuals have encroached on them and have genuine land titles illegally issued by individuals in government.

She also said ;KCCA does not have land to implement some of its programs including the Kampala Multimodal infrastructure master plan, which ;to enhance ; ;bus traffic transport, railway among others.

“We cannot improve the infrastructure if we don’t have the land, so we are ending up with a lot of congestion, stress on the existing roads and traffic and people are getting annoyed with us.”

She said unless planning keeps pace with the city's development, Kampala could become a mess in years to come and flooding could be worse than it is now.


Quelle/Source: msn, 28.09.2023

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