Heute 114

Gestern 1154

Insgesamt 39537109

Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ugandan government has developed an e-governance portal allowing Ugandans to access government information directly, a move expected to ease communications with all government departments.

The government web portal will be a one stop information centre where the public can access government information.

“As a ministry, we shall ensure that all sectors avail the necessary information to us. This will allow our information and technology team to upload all the information to the central web portal,” said Pius Mwinganisa, the principal information officer at the Ministry of Information and National Guidance.

East African Business Week reports the portal will help journalists monitor delivery in government institutions.

Minister of information and national guidance Rose Namayanja Nsereko said the government wanted ministries and autonomous institutions to recruit official spokespersons to update people on how they are implementing government programmes.

“Some government ministries have been operating without an official spokesperson. This hinders the flow of information from such government institutions,” she said.

“With the coming up of this web portal, all government institutions will be mandatory to have substantive spokespersons who can comment on behalf of the organization in the absence of the minister, permanent secretary, or the executive director in case of an authority.”


Autor(en)/Author(s): Susan Mwenesi

Quelle/Source: HumanIPO, 02.04.2014

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