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Belgium spends more than its neighbors on public services.

Echo reported on Friday (10 June) that substantial savings can be made in public services according to the Belgian Federation of Enterprises (FEB).

FEB represents more than 50 000 companies in Belgium, accounting for 75% of employment in the private sector.

FEB based its assessment on a European comparison to demonstrate that Belgium, with 15.2% of gross domestic product (GDP) devoted to public services, spends proportionally more than France, Germany and the Netherlands with an average of 12.2%.

According to FEB, savings can be made by computerization (e-government), merging of public agencies, simplification of legislation and cancelling less frequented train and bus lines.

"Several hundred million could thus be saved over a period of three years," says Pieter Timmermans, managing director of the FEB. He states that the proposal is "not against the public administration."

"On the contrary, businesses and citizens need effective public administration that focuses on its core missions."


Quelle/Source: The Brussels Times, 10.06.2016

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