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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Coming2Belgium is a newly available eGovernment service intended to help anyone moving to Belgium in order reside, work or study to find their way around the Belgian social insurance system based on their individual situation.

Coming2Belgium is aimed not only at foreigners who wish to settle in Belgium for a while, but also at Belgian citizens who come back to their home country after residing abroad for a long time. On the contrary, the online service has not been designed for holidaymakers or people planning a short stay.

Coming2Belgium is very simple to use as one only needs to select a number of pertinent data as well as the topic of their interest from four drop-down lists, namely:

  • Nationality;
  • Country of origin - this list only shows the countries Belgium has concluded an international agreement in the field of social security with. If the country of origin is not mentioned, users are invited to select 'Other' to obtain more information;
  • Status - employee; civil servant; self-employed; frontier worker (working in Belgium); frontier worker (residing in Belgium); seconded worker; unemployed; pensioner; invalid; and student;
  • Desired topic - annual holidays; family allowances; incapacity for work; occupational accidents; occupational diseases; pension; reimbursement of medical expenses; social security contributions; unemployment and pre-pension.

As a result, users can immediately access clear information that is tailored to both their situation and their needs.

The information is available in Dutch, English, French and German, and the service is provided by the Federal Department of Social Security.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 17.11.2011

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