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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Morocco is set to boost e-government which has become a "strategic objective for the economic and social development of the country, according to Prime Minister Driss Jettou.

Morocco cannot stay on the fringes of the universal digital society because it would affect its competitiveness and development efforts, said Jettou at the opening of the annual national forum of e-administration "e-forum 2005." E-government in Morocco is no longer an offer of information online, but also an offer of services online, the Prime Minister pointed out.

Jettou said the government works for accelerating the integration new information technologies in economy, education and society.

He recalled the action plan drawn up by the e-government committee for 2005-2008 under which MAD 1.5 billion (around USD 166 million) were allocated to provide over 200 services online in relation to the public sector.

Jettou also underlined the importance to promote citizens' use of information technologies, noting that the government has approved a program aiming to establish 8500 multimedia rooms in schools in three years as of 2005, for a global budget of MAD 1 billion (around USD 111 million).

The two-day forum is an opportunity to exchange experiences with international experts on e-administration.

Quelle: Arabic News, 23.06.2005

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