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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

South Korea made a commitment yesterday to help Cambodia develop information technology to improve government services.

Korean Interior Ministry representative Hye Young Kim said at the opening of a Cambodia-Korea E-Government Forum that the Korean government always supported Cambodia in improving digital technology.

This was especially the case in moves to improve the working of government and promoting the country’s growth.

South Korean Ambassador Nakyoung Oh said it had been more than 21 years since both countries resumed diplomatic ties.

The forum was held at the right time for Korea to share what it had achieved in building E-government by providing efficiency, fairness, transparency and more convenience for the people, he said.

“Meanwhile Cambodia has enjoyed strong economic growth of between seven and eight percent per year,” he said.

“There is a need for the development of the technology for helping administrative reform and to achieve high growth.

“Of course there is a need for setting up clear plans, techniques and investment in each sector.

“E-government cooperation between Cambodia and Korea will be a platform for sharing knowledge, experience and expertise between two countries,” he added.

Cambodia’s Minister of Post and Telecommunication Tram Iv Tek said his ministry and others had considered the importance and value of E-government development by establishing a first draft of Cambodia E-Government Strategic Plan 2018-2023 in alignment with the Cambodian ICT Master Plan 2020 and Telecom-ICT Policy 2020.

“The Cambodia E-Government Strategic Plan 2018-2023 ushers in a new era for Cambodians, where the public sector aims to co-create, to connect, and to increase efficiencies through the use of digital technologies,” he said.

“E-Government 2023 has set the vision in improving livelihoods through better digital services.

“To realise the vision, support the strategic thrust and realisation of the strategic outcomes, it is crucial to establish an E-government framework with appropriate components and initiatives,” he said.

“The proposed Cambodia E-government framework is a “build once, reuse everywhere” shared infrastructure and digital platform that consists of common digital government infrastructure, platform and software services to serve the whole-of-government in delivering ready-to use and quick to implement public services.”

According to ministry data, the number of mobile subscription increased to around 19 million by end of 2017, covered around 100 percent of urban areas.

Mobile penetration is almost 125 percent. The number of internet subscription reached 8.5 million by the end of 2017, corresponding to a penetration rate of almost 60 percent.

The 4G/LTE technology has been deployed in 25 capital and provinces and covered almost 60 percent of Cambodian territory.

Advanced technology has been newly launched to allow young people to enjoy the fasted speed and cheapest internet in the region.


Autor(en)/Author(s): May Kunmakara

Quelle/Source: Khmer Times, 30.03.2018

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