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Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Cambodia has just added itself to the growing list of countries looking to introduce some sort of electronic ID card to its citizens.

According to a report in Bernama.com, the country’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior recently announced that as many as 2.2 million Cambodians have already received the new ID cards in the first phase of issuance, and another 5.5 million will get the new IDs soon.

As of yet, its unclear which company is assisting the country in the rollout of this program.

Based on a recent Steria survey, more than half of Europeans support biometric systems for ID documents or ePassports. Cambodia is obviously not a European country, but noting the trend is important nonetheless, as many countries around the world begin to introduce electronic identity documents.

Market research from Frost & Sullivan suggests that the biometrics market, specifically in the government vertical within the Asia-Pacific region will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.6 percent until 2016.

According to a SecureIDNews report from 2012, 93 out of 193 U.N member states were issuing e-passports at the time, with 21 additional countries ready to deploy the technology in the next 2 years.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Adam Vrankulj

Quelle/Source: BiometricUpdate, 16.12.2013

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