The technology behind the EasyPASS gate is based on facial recognition and operates in two stages. After passing the first gate, passenger’s faces are scanned and identity is verified through comparison with the photo included in the passport. Once identity is verified, a gate opens and the passenger can walk though, having completed the process. The system takes an average of 18 seconds to complete.
According to the tnp article, EasyPASS border control is available to travellers over 18, but will eventually be extended to travelers from the EU, EEA countries and Switzerland.
As reported previously in, airports in Australia have successfully implemented a similar biometric gate system, and have recently opened access to U.S. Global Entry members. Also reported in, eGates at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam have processed nearly one million passengers to date.
Autor(en)/Author(s): Adam Vrankulj
Quelle/Source: Biometric Update, 20.12.2012