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Samstag, 23.11.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
Norway's public service web portal Mypage has been awarded the European eGovernment Award 2007, the European award for outstanding e-administration solutions.

his award is an international recognition of Norwegian pioneering work, says Minister of Government administration and reform, Heidi Grande Roeys.

European eGovernment Awards 2007 are awarded the best European electronic administration solutions and are presented at the 4th Ministerial eGovernment Conference in Lisbon 20 September. Mypage won the award in the category for Participation and transparency.

When it comes to development of public electronic services in Europe, Norway is in the lead. “Norway.no” has made a remarkable effort in order to co-ordinate public information in Norway. Mypage is an example of the innovation power, the willingness to co-operate across organisation and administration levels, and the ability to reform the central and local government sector, says Grande Roeys.

Mypage is a public services office on the Internet. Mypage offers citizens one, common web portal for public electronic services. The portal provides users with access to a simple dialogue with public authorities. It also gives citizens an overview of the information registered about him/herself in various public records. Mypage is developed by “Norway.no”.

A total of 311 projects were nominated for the awards in four different categories. The awards were presented at the eGovernment Conference “Reaping the Benefits of eGovernment” in Lisbon, Portugal. The 4th Ministerial eGovernment Conference is hosted by Portugal and the EU Commission.

Autor(en)/Author(s): Rolleiv Solholm

Quelle/Source: The Norway Pos, 24.09.2007

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