An International Danish technology company, BlueTown, is set to introduce Internet connectivity into Ghana’s rural communities by July 2016, Footprint to Africa reports.
BlueTown establishes connectivity in areas where there is no Internet coverage or where 3G is too expensive to roll-out, and provides Wi-Fi connection at a very long range of 0.5-1km radius via a Microwave Link.
While access to reliable communication is a self-enforcing enabler for creation of wealth and higher standards of living in all areas of the world, research shows that there is still more than a billion people in the world without Internet coverage.
Peter Ib, Chief Executive Officer BlueTown, revealed that the company is working to establish the West African Headquarters in Ghana next year, and to carry out first installations in the country by July 2016.
Ib stated that the service is unique, “because an average user is expected to pay between US$2-US$3 monthly, as is the case in Tanzania, depending on what activities the user engages in while on the Internet.
“The price for users is also determined by how much the company will pay for Internet connectivity in Ghana that may be offered to us by telecommunication companies.”
Users of the network will be able to access local content that is be uploaded on the platform, without a fee.
BlueTown will also distribute contents such as e-health, e-learning, and agriculture applications to subscribers.
The BlueTown Solution supports any Wi-Fi device such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and and users will be required to connect with the network by using a local BlueTown Wi-Fi smartphone without the use of a SIM card.
Village populations connect to the Internet and access services, applications and content through a BlueTown connectivity hotspot that will be installed in the village.
The Danish Ambassador to Ghana, Tove Degnbol, while welcoming the company, allocated an office space termed an ‘incubator’ to the company at the Embassy.
The incubator facility is an office at the Embassy compound that can be rented for some time by any Danish company wanting to start a business in Ghana.
BlueTown is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, and currently provides Internet connectivity to rural areas of countries including Tanzania and India, with offices also in Silicon Valley, Peru and Dubai.
Quelle/Source: Footprint to Africa, 27.12.2015