Heute 1694

Gestern 2411

Insgesamt 39998347

Sonntag, 9.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The Biometric Voter Verification pilot exercise is currently underway in all 10 regions of the country.

The two-day testing of the process which is being organized by the Electoral Commission (EC) is taking place in some selected polling stations across the country.

The exercise according to the EC is aimed at ensuring the biometric machines are properly tested to avert any technical difficulties on voting day.

It is also to enable prospective voters to acquaint themselves with the process, particularly, the verification machines to see how it works.

The biometric verification exercise will afford the EC to take proactive steps in addressing any challenges and difficulties which may emanate from the use of the verification machines.


Quelle/Source: Citifm Online, 03.11.2012

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