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Mittwoch, 26.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Mr Alban Sumana Bagbin, Minister of Health, has announced that the country’s health infrastructure would from next year be ushered onto an information technology system.

He explained that it would enable patients seeking clinical care to have their vital information electronically measured, processed and sent via internet without follow ups.

The 163 million dollars Exinbank package, according to Mr Bagbin, was being processed by the Ministry, for the E - health infrastructure, aimed at enhancing tele-medicine in Ghana.

He said the facility would facilitate analysis and results of medical information, and reduce congestion at health centers.

Mr Bagbin was addressing heads of health training institutions, at a scientific session in Bolgatanga, where participants were taken through E-learning to prepare them for the task ahead.

He said the investment could not result in good health for Ghanaians until health training institutions were re- programmed to consider the training of students, to enable them to take care of the impending revolution in health care management.

Mr Bagbin said: “The role of the training institutions is critical to the implementation of the programme” and asked the heads to take the initiative seriously.

He said Samsung and Intell companies would help in the distribution of laptop computers to all the heads and their supporting staff nationwide, at subsidized prices.

Mr Bagbin asked the heads to be innovative and take advantage of the interventions to enhance output.

Mrs Lucy Awuni, Upper East Deputy Regional Minister, said the new technology required that teachers at health training institutions redefined their role.

She also asked the heads to promote ethical culture of integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and competence.


Quelle/Source: Ghana News Agency, 03.10.2012

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