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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
New US$30m data center and WAN will link key services under Ghana’s government

A US$30m data center and Wide Area Network (WAN) in Ghana, being built for the National Information Technology Agency (NITA), is almost complete.

Once finished it will link all government agencies, including schools, hospitals, immigration and its police force, together on the one platform.

A report by the Ghana Business Review said both are expected to launch in July this year.

As part of the initial phase, a temporary data center will be used and in two years time a permanent data center will be set up in the Kofi Anan ICT Center in Accra.

China has helped the government with its consolidation project, loaning it the finance to carry out the build, the first phase of which covers main regions.

Another US$150m has been secured to expand the project to al Ghanaian capitals and towns. A Security Operating Centre which will run ministries, departments and agencies intranet and Internet security operations and a number of storage areas networks will be hosted at the data center.

Huawei Technology – a telecommunications company from China - is helping NITA carry out its project.

Once complete NITA will operate the data center and carry out maintenance and support work for the government ministries.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Penny Jones

Quelle/Source: Datacenter Dynamics, 18.05.2011

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