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Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The e-report execution that allows bureaucratic processing related with to the Social Security Organization (SSK) to be conducted via the internet has become the most successful e-government project in the world.

The project, introduced at the Social Security and Employment Seminar in the Spanish capital Madrid, received a great deal of attention from participants. The project, launched by the Social Security Organization with participation from Prime Minister Erdogan in May 2004, was introduced to authorities from dozens of countries including Mexico, France, Britain and Lithuania.

Social Security Ministry Counselor Saadettin Cay introduced the e-report t the seminar; sponsored by the international network and foundation development company, CISCO, and organized by the Spanish Social Security Organization. The Turkish delegation participating in the seminar was also represented by SSK Vice Chairman and Insurance Director Ozkan Dalbay and Data-Processing Manager Menderes Varol.

According to the data given by Dalbay, a similar e-report program is being realized in Spain with 1,500 offices and more than 40,000 personnel.

E-report is an electronic portal enabling employers to send and pay the accrual slips for the insurance declarations of their employees through the internet.

The project was prepared to provide citizens with easier and more efficient SSK services, in two months time and at no cost.

About 50,000 people per day will be able to monitor their records and obtain information in the insurance directorates via the internet. The queues that form at the end of each month have disappeared with the advent of this system and pension works have accelerated with the decrease in the loss of the work force.

Before the union of social security institutions, 4.25 million pension records were updated within the insurance record collections.

Autor: Huseyin Sumer

Quelle: Zaman Online, 06.02.2006

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