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Mittwoch, 15.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

E-health services still have a long way to go in the Netherlands before achieving their stated aims, according to a study by Nivel, a healthcare research institute, in cooperation with Nictiz, an expertise centre on healthcare standards. The survey found that around 10 percent of chronically ill patients could access their medical information with care providers over the internet in the past year. Many were not aware of the opportunities for accessing such information online, Nivel said. The Dutch health ministry targets 80 percent of chronic patients and 40 percent of all the Dutch to have access to online medical information within five ears.

In addition the government wants anyone receiving care at home to be able to access communications with a care provider 24-7. Alongside the screen-based communication, automation techniques should allow patients to feel safer staying at home. However, only 5 percent currently have access to such services. The result of the survey will be used in the eHealth Monitor, to be published in the autumn.


Quelle/Source: telecompaper, 13.07.2015

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