Heute 1426

Gestern 2175

Insgesamt 40005001

Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The introduction of the Nationwide Automated Information System (NAIS) in Belarus will minimize the legal procedure of information receipt to 20 seconds. This was stated by the deputy director of the Institute of Applied Software Systems Sergei Shavrov on November 10, noting that the main purpose of creating NAIS is to simplify and reduce the costs of interaction processes of people and businesses with government agencies.

According to him, the citizens will be able to timely get any service either a certificate of state registration of real estate or an extract from the Unified State Register of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, BelTA informs.

According to Sergei Shavrov, NAIS should become a key element of e-government. Its creation and implementation is provided by the strategy of the country's info society development by 2015. According to the deputy director of the institute, this process has begun in Belarus only this year, while the EU has been following this direction since 2005. "So we need to run faster to keep up," he stressed.

NAIS task is to provide information services to other state agencies, organizations and individuals. The system will include a portal service for citizens and organizations, through which citizens, organizations and government bodies will have an access to state information resources. It's already planned to provide specific services to the public this year with the help of the system, Sergei Shavrov said.

At the moment there is NAIS basic software and hardware infrastructure, based on blade servers and Oracle service-oriented architecture (SOA). However, the information is kept by the owners of information resources, since it makes it easy to adjust and change. In order to provide fault-tolerant and disaster recovery hardware resources (CPU, memory, disk space) NAIS base complex is located on the premises of "Beltelecom" data processing center. In addition, a platform for a backup center creation has already been chosen, which staff is already being trained.


Quelle/Source: Telegraf, 11.11.2010

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