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Samstag, 23.11.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
The implementation of an electronic government in Bulgaria will not have a harmful effect on jobs, newly appointed Minister Roman Vasilev has assured.

Vasilev, who was appointed as Minister in charge of overseeing the development of electronic government in Bulgaria on Wednesday, has told Nova TV that the e-government will not result in layoffs.

"The initial fears that computers will replace people are understandable. However, my experience so far tells me that they make the employees' work easier," he said.

"Our goal for the upcoming two or three months will be to create a plan for the implementation of this task."

He noted that it is still unclear whether the country's next government will decide to keep the post of Electronic Government Minister. Vasilev is currently part of a caretaker Cabinet installed by President Rosen Plevneliev in the aftermath of the center-right GERB government's resignation.

Vasilev pointed out that he has no affiliation with GERB or any other political party.

More about electronics expert Roman Vasilev can be read HERE.


Quelle/Source: Novinite, 14.03.2013

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