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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Council of Ministers

The government adopted the organizational rules and regulations of the new Ministry of Public Administration and Administrative Reform (MPAAR), thus defining its organization, work and staff.

The document also stipulates the minister's powers and relations with other state bodies, as well as the structure and functions of the ministry. At his first conference as a Minister of Public Administration and Administrative Reform Nikolay Vassilev outlined the major functions and priorities of the new ministry.

High on the agenda are the following ones: organizational development of the public administration aiming to achieve more effective organization and work of all administrative structures on local and central level; improvement of the administrative regulation and services by alleviating and abolishing some of the license, permit and registration regimes; human resources management at the public administration, which entails a large scale training of civil servants, and with view to this the Public Administration and European Integration Institute and the Translations and Editing Centre become part of the new ministry, Minister Vassilev announced.

The new ministry also assumes responsibility for the establishment of the e-government. The MPAAR will prepare and table strategies for the e-government and will assist all administrative units in their modernization, including the introduction of new IT and a more extensive package of e-services to the business and the citizens. The MPAAR will continue to work on investment projects under PHARE programme.

The Ministry is divided into 11 directorates and an inspectorate and has 188 employees on the payroll.

Minister Nikolay Vassilev also officially presented his three Deputy Ministers. Angel Ivanov, an economist, Buzhka Lukic, a social worker, and Maria Divizieva, a lawyer, will assist Minister Vassilev in his work at the Ministry of Public Administration and Administrative Reform.

Quelle: EvroPortal, 12.10.2005

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