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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Sarawak is set to provide "all out e-government services" by middle of next year, assured its state secretary, Datuk Abdul Aziz Hussein.

He said the state government had set a target for all local authorities to provide their services online by the said period and the state ICT would conduct a study towards the objective this year. Currently, seven of 26 local authorities have implemented the electronic local authorities (ELA) project.

With the study, he said the state government plans to introduce universal service counters in all the state agencies to "enable them to provide quality service to the people at all times".

"Full EG (e-government) status does not mean that we will abandon the office counter. There are some government services that cannot operate online, such as those dealing in delivery of physical goods," he said in his annual keynote to civil servants here.

Aziz said the universal service counters would cater to people who do not have access to online channels as well as those who prefer counter services to virtual services.

"The counters will provide all major government services in a single location," he said.

Autor: Magdalene Rogers

Quelle: Borneo Bulletin, 10.03.2005

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