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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A signing agreement ceremony for three e-Government projects was held at the Ministry of Religious Affairs yesterday signalling the start of their implementation under the Ministry of Religious Affairs this year.

The first project, Network Infrastructure and Data Centre, was the first to be inked. Signing on behalf of the Ministry of Religious Affairs was Awang Haji Othman bin Haji Momin, its Senior Special Duties Officer, while Syarikat ITIS Wescot Technology Sendirian Berhad was represented by Awang Lim Ching Tong, its Managing Director.

This project will establish Data Centre at the Ministry and provide Local Area Network in the Ministry's building and connect Wide Area Network to its departments.

For the second project, Zakat Management System, was signed by Awang Haji Abdul Wahab bin Safar, the Secretary of Islamic Religious Council, on behalf of the Ministry while Syarikat Jurusy Perunding Sendirian Berhad was represented by Awang Haji Samat bin Haji Abas, its Managing Director.

This project will help ease the tithe management system by providing the latest infrastructure as well as fulfil the needs of the Muslim community in the country by creating awareness and convenience of tithe payment.

The third project signed was e-Islam Information Kiosk.

Signing on behalf of the Ministry was Awang Haji Ismail bin Haji Abdul Manaf, Director of Mosque Affairs, while Syarikat Folec Communications Sendirian Berhad was represented by Awang Haji Masrah bin Haji Mansor, its Director.

This project will upgrade and widen the community knowledge on Islam in daily life using ICT technology efficiently.

Witnessing the signing was Awang Haji Abdullah bin Haji Metassim, the Acting Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Among those present at the signing agreement ceremony was Awang Haji Othman bin Haji Momin, the Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office, in his capacity as the Chairman of EgSPEC .

The three projects, together with another project, the Islamic Information System signed last month, are expected to be fully completed by August 2005.

Quelle: Brunei Direct, 02.03.2005

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