Heute 3916

Gestern 2014

Insgesamt 39985623

Dienstag, 4.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
In conjunction with the Canada Innovation Forum held yesterday at The Empire Hotel & Country Club, Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila DiRaja Dato Paduka Awg Hj Hazair Bin Hj Abdullah, Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office, delivered an address where he highlighted the variables surrounding Brunei government's transition initiatives toward the implementation of e-Government-to encompass three core strategies as included under the e-Government programmes. "Firstly, the-e-Government structural framework is instituted to realise and sustain bona fide outcomes through development of the institutional infrastructure and putting monitoring and regulatory mechanisms in place," said Pehin Dato Paduka Awg Hj Hazair.

"The second core strategy concerns injecting smart capital to build. reliable e-Govemment infrastructure, and common and specific e-Government applications and services."

The Permanent Secretary added that the third developmental stage relates to societal resources to leverage capacity, capability and innovation at the forefront of an ICT led economy.

Pehin Dato Paduka Awg Hj Hazair further elaborated that several goals have been identified under each Core strategy.

Under Core Strategy 1, the goals are to establish institutional infrastructure, e-Government Architecture and monitoring and regulating mechanism; under Core Strategy 2, the goals are to establish e-Government Infrastructure, Common e-Government Application and Services and Specific e-Government Application and Services.

The goals under the third core strategy are to establish knowledge based economy and society initiatives.

The Pehin meanwhile stressed that the success of the implementation of the e-Government Programme into the Brunei Civil Service as a massive-national agenda item depends heavily on the commitment and collaboration of the Civil Service as a whole which also greatly depends' on what challenges are anticipated and how all challenges, whether anticipated or not, are met.

Strong leadership and commitment to make change were called upon in the multi-million.

Dollar projects invested in the implementation and success of e-Government initiatives which are targeted to be completed in 2005, as it requires lengths that go beyond transforming a paper-based procedural system into an electronic system to include clearly stated mission and vision, the parties who will benefit from it and how will they benefit from it to encompass commitment from all -levels in continuous learning and assessment by all parties involved, as technology is not static but very dynamic.

The Pehin also stated that the key message which the Government, seeks, to deliver and follow is EG21 Governance and Services Online" with its vision of the public sector services being "an e-smart Government in line with the 21°' century civil service vision".

The Forum, organised by the Canadian High Commission in coordination with Accenture, Hummingbird Ltd and Sapura (B) Sdn Bhd addresses how Governments must find new ways to encourage citizens to take-up e-Government, as revealed by the fifth annual global study of electronic government by Accenture - based on results of a survey of 5000 regular Internet users in 12 countries in North America, Europe and Asia, as well as a quantitative assessment of the maturity of e-Government services-in 22 countries.

The study paved way to the concept of e-Government: - Leadership: High Performance, Maximum Value", defined as governments providing information about services as well as the ability to conduct government transactions via the Internet.

This year, Accenture conducted both quantitative and qualitative research to learn about attitudes and practices regarding e-Government.

Accenture also found that saving time and money are the primary reasons that citizens use the Internet in conducting transactions with governments online.

"The report provides insights into the experience of the countries covered by the research that can be used by other countries, such as Brunei, that are embarking on their own e-Government journeys," said Gavin Boller, Associate Partner, Government, Accenture.

"The pitfalls encountered by some governments can be avoided and on a more positive note, some of the successes and innovative practices highlighted in the report can be considered."

Also featured at the forum was a series of presentations addressing e-Government issues, delivered by key speakers Mr Gavin Boller from Accenture, Mr K Balasubramaniam of Hummingbird Asia Pte Ltd, Mr Manirajah Kulanthavelu from Teleglobe International Corporation, Mr Nick Goh from, diversified Gateway Berhard, (Nortel Networks Malaysia) and Mr Kia Chong from Wi-Lan Inc.

Quelle: Brunei Direct, 212.05.2004

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