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Insgesamt 39466554

Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A Human Resource Management System (HRMS) costing nearly B$300,000 is in the pipeline as Brunei's flagship program under its e-Government initiatives.

A local company, ITIS Wescot Technology Sendirian Berhad, has been commissioned to undertake a study on the HRMS requirement. A signing ceremony between the Prime Minister's Office and ITIS Wescot Technology Sendirian Berhad was held yesterday afternoon.

Signing on behalf of the government was Awang Haji Saifon Bin Haji Awang Besar, Acting Director General of Public Service, Prime Minister's Office, and Mr. Louis C.T. Lim, Managing Director IT IS Wescot Technology Sendirian Berhad.

Witnessing the signing was Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Abdul Hamid bin Pengiran Haji Mohammad Yassin, Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office.

The program is expected to further strengthen the human resource in the government machinery.

The plan aims at enhancing the level of human resource service electronically and through online system.

The services include, among others, planning and organisational management, development of members and benefits in the public service.

In an interview with RTB, Awang Haji Saifon explained the three phases of the study that will be done in three months, which will start in the middle of 2005.

The first phase will entail a study by a consultant on the management and development of human resource in public service.

This follows with the drafting of a vision, mission and human resource management strategies.

While the third phase will define business requirements and human resource management technical system based on the drafted strategy

For the study to run smoothly and successfully, it is imperative for ministries and department officers to give their full cooperation in providing accurate and up-to-date information.

It is also hoped that officers and staff involved would readily accept suggestions and changes with open minds.

Strong commitment from all concerned is hoped for until such time when the civil service is able to better the current work process in the aspects of laws and regulations. This vision is designed to make them more relevant and accurate as required of them by time and the nation.

Quelle: Brunei Direct, 01.05.2004

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