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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah has highlighted the need to put more efforts to achieve excellence as the main objective of Brunei's civil service.

His Majesty made the titah at a ceremony marking the 10th Civil Service Day at the International Convention Centre in Berakas this morning. He said public service is the driving force behind the government machinery, and if it is weak and non-dynamic, the nation will not be able to progress.

In relation to this, His Majesty stressed that the Info-Communication Technology (ICT) era has given an impetus to His Majesty's government to be committed in implementing the e-government concept.

Under the e-government concept, the Sultan said, members of the civil service have to accept the challenge of changing work style as well as establishing a new work-culture that gives priority to knowledge and skills in ICT.

The full implementation of e-government in the year 2005 under the 8th National Development Plan is to improve the quality of the civil service, where hopefully, every employee will have a more positive and progressive approach to work.

His Majesty continued in highlighting the importance of cooperation between the civil service and the public.

The Monarch called on both sides to carry out their responsibility in reciprocity, besides acting as good and patriotic citizens.

His Majesty said among the signs of true patriotism is cooperating with the government in preserving the peace and stability of the country.

“The government asks no more than this and a good citizen deserves a good government,” he added.

The Sultan stressed that a good government will prevail only if it has a good machinery and all the members of the civil service are part of that machinery.

“Thus, they must be transparent, hardworking, honest and progressive thinking. Any mechanism that does not possess such characteristics is deemed out-of-date and redundant, he pointed out.

His Majesty said the civil service needs to change how it thinks and acts, when it is clear that the old ways have to be changed.

“The time for change comes when the old methods cause discontent and become more susceptible to criticisms,” he said.

His Majesty added that when such factors occur, it means the old ways need to be reviewed for any possible changes.

He further said public contributions are vital in helping to detect any shortcoming or weakness in the management and administration of the government.

According to His Majesty, the contributions of the people will not cause the authority and credibility of the public service to diminish.

The Monarch emphasised that the role of the public service as the facilitator and implementer of government policies cannot be challenged.

To achieve this, His Majesty highlighted the procedures and conditions applied on the public, including local and foreign businessmen and investors who should always encourage an environment for growth as well as healthy and quality entrepreneurship.

“The mechanisms should strengthen and smooth out efforts towards the progress and development of the nation, not obstruct them,” he said.

The Monarch also made a strong reminder that no one should be unduly concerned, because the public service is a transparent one that has been put on a pure and true track that is the religion of Islam.

“The members of the public service must remember it and prove that they cannot be influenced by anything that would deviate them from proper ethics,” he added.

His Majesty concluded by saying God-willing, the civil service will achieve the excellence desired by every one because of the people's sincerity and willingness to make self-evaluation.

On arrival at the International Convention Centre in Berakas, His Majesty was greeted by Pehin Dato Awang Haji Isa, Special Advisor to His Majesty at the Prime Minister's Office and the Minister of Home Affairs, YAM Pengiran Lela Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pengiran Anak Haji Abdul Aziz, and the executive committee of the Public Service celebration led by its chairman, Dato Awang Haji Hazair.

With His Majesty were His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, and Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Masna.

At the function, His Majesty presented prizes to the winners of the final contest of Quality Control Conference.

From 38 teams, three won gold medals. They were 'ukaz' from the Brunei Islamic Religious Council Department and Wizforce and Synergy teams, both from the Pharmaceutical Service Department of the Ministry of Health.

His Majesty also presented certificates to 23 division one officers and 58 officers from division two who have retired from the government service.

Before leaving, His Majesty toured an exhibition.

Quelle: Brunei Direct

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