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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As part of its continuous efforts to support local business development, Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) recently launched the Vendor Online Registration System (VORS), according to a press release.

The new system aims to improve speed and transparency of the vendor registration process while complementing the Brunei government's overall e-government initiatives. The phased implementation will start with a rollout to selected vendors to obtain user-feedback followed by availability to the whole vendor community by July 1, 2010.

VORS allows vendors to submit applications electronically, track the status online as well as updating their existing registration details. This replaces the previous need to submit paper-based applications via mail.

Some of the common issues vendors faced in the previous system were delays caused by insufficient information. As a result applications were frequently delayed. Recent improvements in the registration process have seen 60 per cent of registration applications processed within 30 days.

With the introduction of the new system, processing time is expected to be further reduced and a target has been set to more than 80 per cent of the applications processed within 30 days.

VORS is a secure web-based system, where vendors can register themselves and upload the supporting documents online at any time and place. VORS allows vendors to access the system to find the current status of their applications as well as self-update their own company details resulting in overall efficiency improvements for both BSP and the vendors.

"This will not only improve our vendor application processing time and efficiency but it will also facilitate better communications between BSP and its vendor community," said Mohd Suwarso Mudjono, BSP Supply Chain Lead, Strategy & Planning.

A representative of ISCO Development Services Sdn Bhd, one of the vendors invited to test the system and provide feedback commented, "It is a user-friendly system and I can now find out about the status of my registration application online without having to call or visit BSP'soffice".

VORS is one of a number of BSP initiatives under its local business development programme. VORS and other initiatives will be presented as part of the annual Vendor Forum, Brunei Shell Companies showcase event to engage its vendors, and work with them to formulate ideas for developing local business.

As the implementation is in stages, password access for BSP registered vendors will be sent to the main e-mail address of vendors from May 20. All BSP registered vendors shall receive their password access by July I. For non-BSP registered vendor, password access can be requested by logging into the VORS system.

For more details or to log into the VORS system, visit the Local Business Development section on the BSP homepage at https://www.bsp.com.bn or send inquiries to BSP-SCM13-Vendor-Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.


Quelle/Source: Brunei Direct, 22.05.2010

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