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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The supporting elements of information communication technology (ICT), advantages of ICT development strategies and a country's existing e-governance model were the hot topics raised during the opening session of the International Conference on e-Government and Administrative Simplification.

Three invited speakers offered their take on the overall topic of Effective and Efficient Strategies for e-Government Building, yesterday morning. The purpose of the session was to explore how respective countries have set their strategies in an effective and efficient way in regards to the development of e-governance. The session was seen as a discussion of topics under the "administrative simplification" component of the conference.

The first speaker, Haiyan Qian, the Director of Public Administration and Development Management Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, presented her working paper on "Strategies of e-Government Building".

Ms Qian in her presentation said that ICT is supported by three fundamental elements, namely i-Perspective which is the root of e-government strategies; i-Roadmap, a plan that matches short-term and long-term goals with specific technology solutions to help meet goals; and i-Tools, the fruit or product of effective operational standards.

She gave the example of Singapore's Mobile Government services, a strategic initiative of the country's iGov2010 master plan. "Citizens and business (in Singapore) have expressed a high level of satisfaction and enjoy the convenience of accessing more than 300 public services through mobile technology," said Ms Qian. "The next wave of mobile services planned by the Singapore Infocomm Development Authority will support even more 24/7 transactions."

She added that transactions include payment of transportation fares, redemption of e-coupons, even the opening of doors with the tap of a phone against a wireless reader. Ms Qian concluded that the United Nations e-Government Survey 2010 shows that countries with the highest e-government ratings are also those that spend a great deal of time and effort in building e-government.

The next speaker, Dr Yong-beom Cho of Konkuk University, Korea outlined the advantages of ICT Development Strategies. Among the advantages are the increase of efficiency and effectiveness in the management of society and country, as well as an increase in transparency "in all areas of nation, society, and company," he said, adding that these may prevent corruption and contribute towards developing a "Just Society".

Mr 5 anj iv Mital, CEO of India's National Institute for Smart Government (NISG), in his keynote speech outlined the vision of his country's National e-Governance Plan. "Make all government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common services delivery outlets, and ensure efficiency transparency and reliability of such services at affordable costs to realise the basic need of the common man," he said.

Mr Mital also outlined the NISG mandate, which is to be an institution that bridges all the gaps and channels private resources and competencies in e-Government efforts.

"NISG acts as a force multiplier to leverage ICT for better citizen services delivery and to suggest high impact e-Government models that raise societal awareness about the economic impact of smart governance," he added.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Aziz Idris

Quelle/Source: Bru Direct, 12.05.2010

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