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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The initiative of Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources (MIPR) has now gone online to facilitate the 47 types of services more efficiently and deliver faster notifications on outcome of applications via e-MIPR, which is in line with the ministerial client charter, Tekad Pemedulian Orang Ramai.

The Bulletin recently obtained first-hand information regarding the initiative from e-Government representatives at the e-Government National Centre (EGNC), Prime Minister’s Office.


As an effort to align with the e-Government Strategic Plan, the MIPR embarked on the e-MIPR initiative, an online delivery of business facilitation services to the public provided by the ministry and the departments under it.

Entrepreneurs, investors and public members can now access the services provided by the ministry and the departments under it through a “single window” or a single point of entry, while allowing a medium for submitting feedback to the ministry as a means to continuous improvement on the services provided.

E-MIPR is also intended to act as a platform for excellent services in carrying the vision of “Brunei: A Diversified, Competitive and Sustainable Economy”.

The initiative is intended as a key enabler for the achievement of the mission of the MIPR to accelerate sustainable economic diversification by facilitating, developing and strengthening trade, competitive industries and dynamic entrepreneurs.

The transformation to a fast, efficient and business-friendly online e-government system will enable local and foreign investors intending to set up an industry in the country to secure licences and other required services, either from the MIPR or its respective departments, in a more timely and efficient manner.


E-MIPR Business Facilitation Services currently offers 47 types of service under the categories of applications for sites (industry, agriculture and fisheries), licences and permits, investment incentives, standard services, laboratory services, business advisory and counselling, and financial management.

Users are now able to access services online within each respective department.

Under the MIPR, e-services can be obtained for investment incentive under the Investment Incentive Order 2001, miscellaneous licences, certification services and participation in local exhibitions.

E-services under the Investment Incentive Order 2001 include: pioneer industries; pioneer services companies; post-pioneer companies; expansion of established enterprises; expansion of services companies; production of export; export for services; international trade incentives; foreign loans for productive equipment; investment allowances; warehousing and servicing incentives; investment in new technology companies; and overseas investment and venture capital incentives.

E-services for miscellaneous licences include: motor vehicles dealers; petrol stations; and inflammable goods dealers.

Certification services and participation in local exhibitions under the MIPR are also provided online.

E-Services under the Brunei Industrial Development Authority (BINA) include: applications for industrial sites; and complexes and registration of cooperatives.

Department of Agriculture: E-services have now been extended to the applications for: agriculture area under the ownership of the Agriculture Department; import permit for agrochemical and inorganic fertilisers; registration of importers of plants, plant materials, plant products and organic fertilisers; import permit for plants, plant materials, plant products and organic fertilisers for commercial user; import permit for plants, plant materials, plant products and organic fertiliser for personal use; pesticide residue analysis on vegetables and fruit samples; plant phytosanitary certificate for export purposes; export permit for livestock and livestock products; and import permit for livestock and livestock products.

Several laboratory services under the Agriculture Department are also facilitated online, including: pest and crop diseases inspection; food microbiology analysis; food sensory evaluation; food chemical analysis; post-harvest analysis, veterinary diagnosis; livestock product sample analysis; and laboratory analysis for import and export.

Department of Fisheries: The Fisheries Department’s online services include: application for operating any types of fisheries industry; fish culture farm licence; fish processing licence; fishing fear licence; fish import permit for commercial use; fish export permit for commercial use; fish transit permit for commercial use; fish import, export and transit permit for personal use; fishing gear licence for sport fishing; health certificate for export of fisheries products; mobile technical unit for aquaculture; mobile technical unit for seafood processing; and diagnosis of aquatic animal diseases.

Department of Forestry: The Forestry Department’s online services include: removal of forest product licence; sawmill licence; import permit for timber products; export permit for timber products; herbarium services; timber-based industries licence; forest product removal pass; and forest workers sub-licence.

Department of Tourism: The Tourism Department’s online services include: miscellaneous licence for travel agents; and establishment of a branch office for travel agents.


In implementing the e-MIPR initiative, the project stakeholders have taken into consideration the needs of the public and therefore, orientate it towards being “customer-centric”. As such, by using the e-MIPR Business Facilitation Services, the public can enjoy faster transactions done virtually anytime, anywhere, and faster notifications on outcome of applications via e-MIPR, in accordance with the MIPR client charter.

In addition, the ministry is also providing assistance to the public through the establishment of the Business Help Centres in all four districts.

The centres are aimed at assisting the public on the use of its online system through step-by-step tutorials.

Incentives are also offered to encourage the public to use the online system, such as free access, as opposed to fees for those using the facilities manually.

The help centres are currently located at the Industry and Trade Information Centre of the MIPR headquarters and district head offices of its respective departments.


Registration for e-MIPR usage is now open to the public. Businesses, entrepreneurs, investors and public members may obtain more information by visiting www.bruneimipr.gov.bn, or write to the Corporate Communication, Information Technology Centre, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Jalan Menteri Besar, Bandar Seri Begawan BB3910, or contact the department at 238 0600 or 238 0599, or e-mail to the department at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.


The public may register for a user access by registering at www.bruneimipr.gov.bn.

Get a user ID and password, and complete the relevant application form in the link to the Business Facilitation Services on the e-MIPR website at www.bruneimipr.gov.bn.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Azaraimy HH

Quelle/Source: Brunei fm, 29.03.2010

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