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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In Order for the e-Government initiative to be deployed effectively, government officers must change their mindset on the importance of training in the optimum use of ICT so they can adapt to the rapid pace of technological change and the challenges that arise from these changes, a senior c-Government official said.

During the "Interactive Workshop on Optimizing ICT: Brunei-India Cooperation" at the Haiti building in Angered Desha on Thursday, e-Government National Centre (EGNC) Director Hi Zahra Hz Abroad said that optimizing the use of ICT covered a wide spectrum, ranging from use of technology to daily communications and day-to-day information.

From the government's perspective, he said, it involved finding ways to make ICT cost effective. He said: The most important area that we are looking at is that we need to carry out capacity building in terms of increasing the skills of the human resource. The human resources in the government should be directly involved in their organisations."

Hj Azhar recalled that Brunei's journey in e-Government started in the 1980s, with only a few departments embarking on "computerisation efforts". At the time, he said, the government was mainly focused on developing human resources so it would have qualified IT personnel to do all the computerisation work.

Today, the perspective has broadened. He said: "For us to optimise 1CT in the government. every employee or officer should have knowledge in IC'!', in order for them to improve their productivity in their daily work." However, he added, business owners were ignored. "This is one of the things that need to be improved, as ICT is for all," he said. "In the e-Government strategic framework (launched in 2001), the objective was to establish an ICT infrastructure base in the government.

In 2006, the e-Government implementation was reviewed and, taking into account the experiences learned in those years. especially in terms of capacity building, more focus was put on enhancing government officers' ICT literacy and implementing (appropriate measures to achieve this) in the next phase of our e-Government initiative," he said.

Touching on Wawasan Brunei 2035, Brunei National Vision 2035, the EGNC director noted that one of the objectives was to make Brunei Darussalam "a nation which will be widely recognised for the accomplishments of its educated and highly-skilled people, as measured by the highest international standards".

"In order for us to fulfil our Vision 2035, we need to make sure that our ICT people and our government are more literate in ICT (and) make sure we are able to survive in a dynamic and sustainable economy." lm said.

In this regard, Hz Azhar said that the e-Government mission was to develop an "e-smart government that focuses on the needs of the citizens to a degree of services that are practical, relevant, easily accessible, convenient and secure".

Hi Azhar said that in order to achieve this there was a need to address the key issues and strategic priority of training increasing capacity and capability in the development of ICT.

The workshop held on Thursday discussed potential areas where Brunei could learn from India's experience and expertise as one of the fastest growing ICT industries in the world.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Ubaidillah Masli

Quelle/Source: Brunei Direct, 20.02.2010

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