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One of the main constraints impeding strategic management of public servants in the Sultanate is the lack of systematic collection and analysis of data on the quantity and performance of human resources.

This was stated by the Director of the Civil Service Institute of the Prime Minister's Office, Hj Junaidi bin Hj Omar at a Human Resources Compendium yesterday, organised to set out a human resources compendium of best practices in Brunei Darussalam.

The guest of honour at the event was Dato Paduka Hj Mustappa bin Hj Sirat, Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office.

Also present were keynote speaker, Mdm Ho Geok Choo, President of Singapore Human Resource Institute, Deputy Permanent Secretaries, CEOs from private sector organisations, senior government officers and other invited guests.

In his speech, Hj Junaidi said, "Human resources has been a central concern of leaders in both public and private sectors. Human resources undeniably play a critical role in improving an sustaining institutional effectiveness and development performances."

He further added, "Without continuous, accurate, reliable and valid data on human resources in the public sector, critical human resource management decisions will already be obsolete when implemented."

The traditional roles of the human resource professionals have changed from merely administrative to more strategic in nature, in which increasingly organisations are calling on its work force at all levels to think and act more strategically by further developing the capabilities of its employees.

This places emphasis on HR practitioners to re-examine their roles in order to provide more strategic inputs to their organisational strategy rather than merely carrying out their contemporary administrative role.

The forum is participated by HR practitioners from the public and private sectors.

It is aimed at providing a forum for policy makers, HR practitioners and academics to share ideas on human resources practices in the country and to discuss effective human resources capacity, which could then be used as the strong foundation for the national goal of developing a knowledge-based economy.

The compendium will continue until August 28 with the presentation of several topics by Mdm Ho Geok Choo on 'Global Trends in Human Resources', 'E-Government and National Culture - the Way Forward' by Dr Fadziliwati bte Hj Azri, 'HR Best Practices in the New Millennium' by Hjh Lailtul Zuraidah bte Hj Mohd Hussain and 'The Significance of Specialisation for Vocational and Technical Education' by Liana Artinin bte Hj Mohammad Noor presented on the first day.

On the second day of the compendium, Hj Abdul Rahman bin Hj Matusin from BSP will present a paper on 'Competency-Based Development - BSP Practice', 'Competency-Based HR Development' by Awg Aminuddin bin Hj Buntar, 'Transforming Education in Brunei Darussalam - Human Resources Innovations and Best Practices' by Dr Hjh Habibah bte Hj Sion, 'The Father Leadership Way and Negara Brunei Darussalam' by Dr Patrick Low Kim Cheng and Hj Awg Mohd Hanafi bin Hj Abd Rahman will talk on 'HRD as the Indirect Profit Centre Through Competency Implementation Programme'.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Jon Tampoi

Quelle/Source: Borneo Bulletin, 28.08.2008

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