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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Brunei is now looking at various IT programmes in its search for the best model to adopt in its efforts to become a full-fledged e-Government. Among the renowned international IT firms it has apparently made contact with was Wipro Limited, a global IT services giant based in India. The company, it was learned, holds the distinction of being the first company in the world to be certified at Level 5 of the PCMM (People Capability Maturity Model) framework.

"Wipro got the certification in December 2000 and to date not more than 10 companies in the world have been assessed at Level 5. Headquartered in India and serving customers through 26 offices around the world, Wipro has always been at the cutting edge of 'People and Process' quality," stated its General Manager for Human Resources, Shabbir Merchant.

Merchant was in Brunei to present the PCMM model to several government agencies that were tasked with the jobs to find the right e-Government model here. In an interview with the Bulletin, Merchant said his visit to Brunei was fruitful and gave him an insight into the thinking of the key people in the government as to their idea of e-Government.

"In Wipro, we too believe that people are key assets and are differentiators in today's knowledge-intensive IT industry. Wipro has adopted the People CMM (Capability Maturity Model) developed by SEI under the auspices of the Carnegie Melon University, USA, which is based on a global framework of state-of-the-art workforce practices," he added.

Merchant explained that the PCMM framework builds in competency-based people practices. "These competencies are institutionalised as processes, and help employees realise their complete potential. This also offers them various career opportunities within Wipro and thus helps them build their career in Wipro.

"This creates a highly motivated and satisfied workforce, which is very critical in today's competitive environment. The framework also ensures integration of People Processes and Business Processes, thus offering a complete alignment between Organisational and People priorities. The model allows organisations a framework to prioritise their Critical Business and People Practices, ensuring sustenance and continuous improvement."

Merchant also spoke about the significance of the PCMM model. "The PCMM model helps identify areas of improvement and helps in laying the foundation for world-class Human Resources processes and procedures. For Brunei, this then becomes extremely relevant.

"People Processes are not delinked from Business Processes. A strong alignment between business goals and people's objectives creates a successful organisation. The PCMM framework addresses this, by ensuring a very strong alignment. The PCMM framework directly impacts organizational performance. It provides for continuous improvement through formal measurement of critical business processes. This helps check organisational and performance alignment.

Quelle: Borneo-Bulletin

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