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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Religious Affairs yesterday continued its promotion of the e-Islam Information Kiosk with a roadshow held at The Mall in Gadong.

The roadshow was held on the first floor of The Mall, while the kiosk is located on the ground floor, near Rizqun Restaurant.

The Mall is the first private premise to have an a-Islam Information Kiosk.

To date, seven kiosks have already been strategically placed in selected mosques, namely - Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, Jame' `Asr Hassanil Bolkiah, Mohammad Bolkiah Mosque, Al-Ameerah Al-Hajjah Maryam Mosque, Sultan Sharif Ali Mosque, Perpindahan Lambak Kanan Mosque, and Setia Ali Mosque.

Meanwhile, the placement of a kiosk at the Brunei International Airport was witnessed Saturday.

The ceremony yesterday commenced with an al-Fatihah recital, and was later followed by welcoming remarks delivered by Ministry of Religious Affairs Administration Acting Assistant Director Haji Abu Bakar bin Mohd Don.

On hand to present the promotional kiosk replica to Abd Razak Holdings Administration Manager and Director Hj Suhaimi Hj Besar was Ministry of Religious Affairs Syariah Affairs Director Haji Md Zaimi bin Hj Talip.

The roadshow aims to enhance and disseminate informatics on the daily lifestyles among the Muslim community in the Sultanate - including activities related to mosque affairs, Islamic propagation and the haj - by using the easy and innovative ICT format.

The roadshow will continue to be held at strategic locations.

The Electronic Information Kiosk will allow users to access relevant information on Islam and among the targeted locations are Yayasan, Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque, Mohammad Jamalul Alam, and Mohammad Salleh Mosque.

The contents of the kiosks will include information on the services offered by the Ministry of Religious Affairs Department, including e-government projects, Islamic Religious Council, and useful general information on issues such as Muslim burials.

Senior ministerial officers, representatives and invited guests from the private sector made up part of the crowd at the roadshow.

Autor/Author: Azrol Azmi

Quelle/Source: Brunei Direct, 16.05.2006

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