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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Four main e-government projects for the Ministry of Religious Affairs were officially launched yesterday by its Minister, YB Pehin Dato Seri Utama Dr. Ustaz Hj Awg Mohd Zain bin Hj Serudin.

The four completed main projects are part of the 13 e-Government projects that have been identified by the Ministry in its push towards e-Government implementation.

The Ministry has been allocated more than B$40 million for the 13 projects. In a speech by the Minister of Religious Affairs, who was also the chief guest at the event, he acknowledged that ICT is one of the important elements in the fields of management and services and is now an important element in the lives of the modern community.

Its influence can be felt nowadays and will continue to do so because it has made people interact easily, fast and efficiently, said the Minister.

The Minister also said that the Internet has been used negatively to spread pornographic material, lies, slanderous information and, the most dangerous of all, "deviant teachings and ideas that divert the Islamic faith".

"Whilst facing these negative elements, people must also take full advantage of the Internet to strengthen further the Islamic faith and to propagate further its teachings," said the Minister.

Pehin Dato Dr Ustaz Hj Awg Mohd Zain mentioned that we must be positive in dominating the ICT skills since computers nowadays have become part of the culture in our lives.

At the same time, the chief guest hoped that all the officers and staff at the Ministry of Religious Affairs would continue and not be left behind in improving themselves in the use of the new ICT facilities.

"They must cooperate by taking full advantage of the computer facilities prepared and take the initiative and optimise their use effectively to help in achieving the e-Government aims," he said.

Earlier in a speech by the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Dato Awg Hj Abdul Rahman bin Hj Mohiddin noted that the four projects had been agreed upon by the eGovernment Programme Executive Committee.

The four projects are namely the Infrastructure Networking and Data Centre, Zakat Management System (SPZ), e-Islam Information Kiosk and the Islamic Information System (SisMi).

Dato Awg Hj Abdul Rahman also said that the Infrastructure Networking and Data Centre will be the hub for all the Ministry's e-Government projects.

"This is because all the servers will be located and centralised at the Ministry's building which then will be responsible to control the planned other network or system implemented through a Local Area Network of a Wide Area Network. About 700 computers and its accessories will be supplied to the officers in the Ministry of Religious Affairs," he said.

"As for the Zakat Management System (SPZ), this project will effectively and efficiently help in the collection and distribution of Zakat (tithe). This system will also in the future provide the necessary information on the services provided by the Zakat Collection and Distribution Unit at the Ministry of Religious Affairs."

"SisMi meanwhile is one of the projects that will develop the systems and Islamic applications that are related to the task and responsibilities of the Ministry. It will also be developing the new website of the Ministry," said the Permanent Secretary.

"For the e-Islam Information Kiosk, this project is knowledge and information based project.

A total of 18 kiosk machines will be placed in several strategic locations. Eleven kiosks will be located at all the major mosques in the country while the rest will be located in government buildings and public facilities such as the hospital, airport, UBD and commercial areas. Information in these kiosks will be updated every two months."

The launching ceremony also coincided with the opening of the three-day Open Day for e-Government projects of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

The event is open to all government officers and staff, especially those under the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Two of the projects are showcased on the 2°d floor of the Ministry building and the other two in the lobby area.

Four of the companies involved in the newly launched e-Government projects are ITIS Wescot Technology Sdn Bhd, Jurusy Perunding Sdn Bhd, Folec Communication Sdn Bhd and HakbaSkali Sdn Bhd.

Also present at the launch was the Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, YB Pehin Dato Ustaz Hj Awg Badaruddin along with senior officials from the Ministry.

Nine other Religious Affairs e-Government projects will be implemented soon. These include I-Masjid, I-Dirasah, I-LMS, Haj Management System, Second Phase SisMi, Infra Phase 2, Integration Smartcard Services and the Maktabah Islam Management System.

Autor: M K Anwar

Quelle: Brunei Direct, 28.09.2005

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