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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Over 100 government officials attended a conference yesterday on "e-Government: The Next Step" at Empire Hotel and Country Club.

It was aimed at providing them with an insight into the best practices for implementing e-Government around the world and their latest developments.

Organised in collaboration with partners Quint Wellington Redwood, Versa PAC Sdn Bhd and iCo-op.netPte Ltd, the event was also held by Computer Associates International to enhance participants' awareness on the topic with its focuses on cooperation and a case study. Speakers at the conference addressed key issues pertaining to the adoption of e-Government, namely optimisation of investments, security and sharing of sensitive information, IT governance, as, well as how agencies could achieve goals through auditable processes.

"There is a growing trend across Southeast Asia. Brunei can use technology to meet the increasing needs for developing and deploying comprehensive solutions, as well as citizen-centric services that would improve its efficiency, promote economic growth and bridge the digital divide, remarked Mr Hee Keen Keong.

Mr Hee is the Consulting Director for Asia South Computer Associates Technology Services and Technology Strategist.

He said that interactive websites might also bring the people closer to their government, as it facilitates and`encourages communication, while appealing to foreign inventors.

"A study conducted in 2004 ranked Brunei 140 out of the 198 e-Government nations analysed.

Considering that Brunei's Information Technology Programme is part of its National Development Plan and about B$950 million has been allocated for the e-Government initiative, it is clear that there is a strong commitment to implement and utilise IT for the nation's prosperity.

"We are confident that Brunei will soon improve its ranking and look forward to sharing our expertise as well as knowledge towards helping the Sultanate and accelerating its adoption process.

"With this, the country will come one step closer to establishing a nationwide e-Government initiative and `Virtual Brunei Online'," added Mr Hee.

Autor: Helena M Mahathir

Quelle: Brunei Direct, 31.08.2005

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