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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On 20 October 2011, the Croatian Government adopted a Decision establishing eGovernment development goals in the State Administration for 2011-2015. It is expected that this decision will allow the country to reach in a short time period the level of public service quality expected from EU Member States.

Following several years of investment in IT solutions and in the development of eGovernment, the Croatian Government adopted this decision in an aim to further develop eGovernment in line with the EU's eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015.

As the date of accession to the EU is getting closer, the business systems of the Croatian State Administration must be improved to a level that will enable:

  1. electronic communications and data exchange with the administrative bodies of both the European Union and the EU Member States and
  2. the development of eGovernment services that will support the rights of citizens to travel, work, study and live, as well as the freedom of businesses to establish and to provide services, in any EU Member State.

Croatia is already participating in two EU programmes: the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) Programme and the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP). Both programmes share the aim to promote cooperation between Member States in the field of eGovernment.

In order to best benefit from its participation in these programmes, Croatia will strengthen coordination among public administration bodies in terms of planning and implementation of digitisation. Moreover, a series of activities will be carried out, namely:

  • Analysis of existing legislation and drafting of new regulations for the further development of eGovernment;
  • Preparation for the set up of a system supporting interoperability in the State Administration;
  • Establishment of a register of the IT projects and resources of the State Administration;
  • Establishment of a central catalogue of all records, files and other data sets which are maintained by the State Administration as well as related online services
  • Set up of a system for monitoring the quality of IT solutions in government bodies

Such activities combined with the already adopted Decision on the Establishment of a Croatian Interoperability Framework, will ensure the continued and harmonious development of eGovernment in the country while facilitating the building of a system which is oriented towards the needs of citizens and businesses. They will also form the basis of the system's architecture and enable integrated electronic communication services; expected yearly savings are HRK 400 million (approx. €53.5 million), and EU funding will be used.

Commenting on the adoption of the Decision establishing eGovernment development goals in the State Administration for 2011-2015, the State Secretary in charge of the Central State Administrative Office for e-Croatia, Igor Lučić, said that it is "a natural process step in the development of eGovernment as information technology will be used to enable the immediate verification of birth and residences certificates (...) and of one's health insurance, and to support the handling of many daily life situations involving the State Administration, (...) and this will allow the Republic of Croatia to reach over a short period the level of public administration services' quality expected from EU Member States."

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 24.11.2011

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