Heute 614

Gestern 1727

Insgesamt 40000692

Dienstag, 11.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
In a bid to improve the city’s emergency response capability, the Taipei City Fire Department developed a GIS-based Incident Command System which will provide first responders with critical information needed to efficiently carry out rescue operations.

The system provides a user-friendly interface which integrates spatial information crucial for the city’s Emergency Dispatch Centre to manage and mobilise rescue operations. This includes information derived from digital maps, building and block maps, aerial photographs and water resource maps among others.

The system also features front-end applications to assist users in viewing maps and in integrating relevant information on districts so that local authorities are able to have heightened situational awareness of emergency situations.

The main features of the front-end application allows users to leverage various theme maps, use drawing tools to make decisions regarding the deployment of resources, edit map layers and browse maps quickly with the system’s map navigation function.

With the system in place, the city fire department can simply log in to efficiently allocate resources on time and also gain an impactful analysis on the extent of damages.

In addition, it also allows policy makers to make well-informed decisions on how to improve the city’s emergency response plan to minimise both economic and social losses brought about by disasters.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Clarice Africa

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 09.04.2013

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