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Donnerstag, 4.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

In the heart of Markham, where history meets innovation, a digital revolution is underway. The city is poised to embark on a remarkable journey, one that promises to redefine the very essence of urban living.

With technology as its compass and sustainability as its guide, Markham is charting a course toward becoming a leading global smart city.

This ambitious endeavour, spearheaded by chief information officer Sumon Acharjee, unfolds within the framework of the Markham Centre Secondary Plan (MCSP) update, setting the stage for a future where connectivity, efficiency, and progress seamlessly intertwine. Welcome to the dawn of Markham's Smart City transformation, where the city's past meets its digital destiny.

In a recent council meeting, Markham’s CIO unveiled a crucial component of its ambitious plan to redefine the future of urban living: the Smart Cities strategy and roadmap.

“The Smart City strategy and roadmap are essential components in capitalizing on the power of technology,” Acharjee said. “The roadmap intends to provide Markham with clear direction on the next steps towards sustainable deployment of Smart City technologies by identifying opportunities where Smart City technology can be utilized and identifying initial priorities for deployment."

At the heart of the presentation was the unveiling of the Smart City Strategy and Roadmap, a visionary blueprint that promises to shape the very fabric of Markham Centre.

This strategy intends to accomplish several key objectives: the roadmap will identify dimensions for a scalable Smart City approach, ensuring that Markham can adapt to evolving technologies and challenges; it lays out preliminary opportunities that will catalyze Markham Centre's transformation into a thriving smart city, harnessing digital innovation to improve various facets of urban life; and the strategy will provide recommendations for the short, medium, and long-term aspects of implementation, guiding Markham on a journey toward a digitally empowered future.

Rick Huijbregts, global lead for Smart Cities at Stantec, was invited to deliver a presentation to shed light on the development of this groundbreaking strategy. His expertise in the field of smart cities provided valuable insights into how Markham can chart its course towards a brighter, more digitally inclusive future.

He delineated the five pivotal developments that underpin a smart Markham Centre, with each factor playing a crucial role in its digital transformation. These encompass the establishment of a resilient physical infrastructure, complete with conduits and accessibility provisions to facilitate Wi-Fi network deployment, and the fine-tuning of last-mile connections to elevate both micro-mobility and overall transportation efficiency.

Huijbregts transitioned to his third point, centred on the implementation of an Internet of Things (IoT) framework, and he stressed the importance by stating, "As we observe the growing proliferation of connected devices and systems, it is imperative that we establish a well-defined framework. This framework will serve as our guide to ensure a clear and transparent approach to the digitization of Markham Centre.”

Additionally, it involves the establishment of standardized data protocols and the safeguarding of data privacy, the construction of a cohesive digital infrastructure that spans 5G, wired, and wireless networks, with a paramount focus on cybersecurity. Lastly, it entails the development of an advanced Digital Twin system, offering intelligent data to facilitate well-informed decision-making within Markham Centre.

The presentation sparked an engaging committee discussion that delved into several crucial aspects.

To begin, the concept of digital twins was explored in-depth, with Huijbregts shedding light on how they represent an evolution from 3D modelling and GIS, offering the potential to revolutionize the management of urban infrastructure.

Next, the committee expressed interest in the possibility of establishing a data centre to analyze sensor-driven data. Huijbregts acknowledged this as a viable opportunity within the Secondary Plan, hinting at the transformative potential it holds for data-driven urban management.

Furthermore, questions arose regarding the objectives and partnerships essential for the Smart Cities initiative. Huijbregts assured the committee that a comprehensive roadmap is under development, aiming to operationalize the plan's recommendations and align policies and language with the overarching vision.

Committee members also sought clarification on the timeline for obtaining more detailed information, with a particular focus on priority items and the initial attention given to underground infrastructure.

Finally, the progress of an autonomous vehicle pilot was discussed, with the clarification that York Region would be responsible for its conduct. In addition, the city is actively exploring innovative transportation solutions, notably through the development of a micro-mobility strategy. These discussions and considerations play a significant role in shaping the future of Markham's Smart Cities initiative.

This city council meeting served as a testament to Markham's dedication to embracing Smart City principles and leveraging digital innovation for the betterment of its residents. With the Markham Centre Secondary Plan (MCSP) as the linchpin, Markham is taking a significant step towards realizing its vision of a technologically advanced and sustainable urban centre. As the digital age continues to reshape the world, Markham stands poised at the forefront, ready to lead the charge in creating a more connected, sustainable, and efficient urban environment for all its citizens.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Connor Simonds

Quelle/Source: yahoo!news, 12.09.2023

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