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Dienstag, 22.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
The Canadian Public Service has been criticised for creating a Shared Services Agency to save money without being able to say how much, if any, it would save.

Although the Government has claimed the new agency would save between $100 million ($A98.4 million) and $200 ($A196.8) million annually, the Ministry of Public Works, which assumed responsibility for the new Agency, could not say how this would be achieved.

In addition, the launch of Shared Services Canada caught Public Service unions off guard.

President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, Gary Corbett said he had read the news online before Treasury Board representatives gave him any information.

“We would have advised that they consult with us so we could talk to the employees,” Mr Corbett said.

“This was a Government decision - a senior-level decision - to make it happen without any thought of the consequences of how this would all play out.”

He said the shared services initiative was intended to save money by managing certain parts of the Government as one enterprise, rather than Departments running their own services like “dozens of independent fiefdoms”.

The new Agency was particularly expected to eliminate wastage through streamlining the Government’s network of email systems and data centres.

There has been no shortage of criticism from other areas with small- and medium-sized businesses anxious about being squeezed out of the industry as IT contracts become larger.

In addition Opposition MPs have been demanding to see a business plan for the venture – something that the Government has so far failed to produce.


Quelle/Source: PS News, 16.08.2011

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