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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
"Canadians Surpass Americans and the Japanese In Accessing Government Online"

Many countries around the globe have over the past several years dedicated themselves to making government information and services easier to access for their citizens by utilizing the Internet. Commonly referred to as eGovernment, the Internet is helping citizens access government services on their schedule and in the comfort of their own home. Empirical evidence from comScore Media Metrix Canada, the leader in Internet Audience and eCommerce Measurement reveals that Canadians, based upon actual Internet surfing behaviour, have embraced 'eGovernment'. Since October 2002 through to May 2003, the overall government category has seen a 27.2% increase in traffic. This growth in traffic to government web sites appears even more significant when compared to only a 2.6% increase overall in the number of Canadians using the Internet on a monthly basis.

Brent Lowe-Bernie, President of comScore Media Metrix Canada says, "The Internet is now the premiere source for timely and comprehensive information. Recent history has proven that whether it's for world events or crises within our local metro communities, Canadians have turned to the Internet for the full story on what is going on and the information needed to deal with it. eGovernment is about getting services to the Canadian people. The Internet is not only being used by most Canadians but it is also one of the most fiscally responsible way to deliver pertinent information to the relevant constituents."

Canada Is A Global Leader

A recent comparative analysis of Canada, Australia, Japan, and the United States revealed that within the month of May, 2003 52.9% of Canadians online visited a government website as compared with 29.7% for Australia, 24.2% for Japan, and 42.4% for the United States. This represents a 10% greater reach than our friends to the South, more than double our friends in the Far East, and almost 33% more than our friends "down under".

Canadians Spend More Time Interacting With Government

The fact that Canadians, as percentage of the total online population, are visiting government websites in greater numbers than many other countries reveals only half the story. A deeper analysis of the data also reveals that Canadians spend more time and go deeper into government websites. On average, during the month of May 2003, Canadians spend approximately 34.6 minutes per month on government web sites as compared to 28.7, 15.5, and 10.6 minutes per month for the United States, Australia, and Japan respectively.

Canadians are also going further into Government websites. Canadians, during the month of May 2003, viewed an average of 63 pages per visitor on Government websites compared to 40 pages in the United States, 24 in Australia, and 20 in Japan.

Federal And Provincial Web Sites Are The Lead Destinations

Over the past 8 months there have been significant increases in many of the flagship government websites. Federal and Provincial websites are among the more prominent government websites Canadians are visiting with increased frequency ranging from the official Canadian government web site, Human Resources & Development, Environment Canada, to the very familiar Canada Customs & Revenue Agency as well as the provincial websites of Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia.

Canadians are embracing eGovernment, whether it be in times of crisis and a need for information or simply utilizing the convenience the Internet affords to manage their interactions with their Government. Canada is establishing itself among the leaders in eGovernment around the globe.

Quelle: Canada NewsWire

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