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A first-in-province local health care solution could be the key to tackling longer wait times in Eastern Ontario.

Wilmer Matthews, chairman of Eastern Ontario's Champlain health network, said 18 of the region's 20 hospitals are now able to share patient records electronically. All 20 of the region's hospitals are due to be linked together by the fall, he said.

The Champlain health network is the first of the province's 14 health regions to produce a web-linked patient records system that is alsocompatible with the province's health care database. This means if someone from Eastern Ontario needs medical care outside the region, his or her medical records are a click away.

Matthews was one of a number of presenters who were mapping out health care priorities at Sir Wilfrid Laurier High School in Orleans last night.

He said the local health region is now looking to expand its electronic database beyond hospitals.

"It's time now that we start with other health care providers," he said. "This means doctor's offices, long-term care homes and other service providers."

Being able to quickly access patient records is a key factor in how long someone waits to be treated or obtain test results, health officials said.

Dr. Robert Bourdeau of the regional health network said the difference that "e-health" makes is obvious.

"If you have e-records, you save a lot of time," he said. "It certainly improves the service."

Several people said they are often frustrated that doctors and hospitals don't have access to the same records, which wastes diagnosis and treatment time.

Ottawa-Orleans MPP Phil McNeely was on hand along with dozens of medical professionals and east-end residents who gave their suggestions on how to improve the province's health care system.

Autor(en)/Author(s): Michael Hammond

Quelle/Source: Canoe, 08.03.2007

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